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About this Wiki

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What is Adventure Castle?

Adventure Castle is...

1. A fully featured interactive adventure game now available on Amazon Alexa. (Say: Alexa, launch Adventure Castle.)

2. Coming soon: A game platform which you can access to build your own adventure game--whether it's in a castle, outer space or anywhere in between.

3. Hopefully someday: A collaborative, coordinated, ever expanding adventure game capable of integrating certified third-party adventure content into the main "Adventure Castle" story.

Brief history

This project started in 2016, shortly after the release of the Amazon Alexa third-party skills kit. The initial public release of Adventure Castle was deployed in January, 2019.

While a portion of the story is available to the public, the game is still in development with an intended full release of Adventure Castle Episode 1:The Curse of the Tainted Crown by year-end 2019.

As soon as the game is completed to our satisfaction, and the underlying game engine is stable, we intend to share it to the open source community and provide support and documentation on how to use it.

Grand Vision

I know this is all very ambitious, but if Adventure Castle was to gain an audience, acclaim and a critical mass of talented contributors, here are some things I wish it could eventually become:

  • ...A voice interactive game platform with enough documentation, tutorials and support to serve as a full curriculum for aspiring developers to create their own adventures, and potentially integrate them into the core "Adventure Castle" story.
  • ...A prominent Open Source project like The Dark Mod, with a critical mass of talented contributors driving its core code base and supporting infrastructure over a full project life cycle.
  • ...A stand-alone game independent of any commercial voice hosting technology such as Amazon, Google or Apple, with one intended target being Raspberry Pi.
  • ...An independently funded platform free from corporate and public-investor influence, however this would not absolve us from our responsibility to produce high quality content appropriate for our audience with meaningful, well intended subject matter.
  • ...A feature-rich adventure production incorporating sound, music and visuals to be mixed at run time with computer generated and voice acted narrations.
  • ...A creative outlet for adventure enthusiasts to submit and contribute content such as illustrations, sound effects, voice and music to be potentially incorporated (with permission) into Adventure Castle.
  • ...An innovative voice engine for an immersive hands-free 3D/virtual reality computer game like The Dark Mod.
  • ...A closed/open system for A.I. and machine learning research, experimentation and advancement, specific to autonomous NPC (non-player character) natural language interaction with both human players and other autonomous agents.

My dream goal would be to attract enough collaborators and find creative ways to generate enough funding (donations, crowd funding and/or commercial revenue streams) to support all of these goals. In the meantime, I remain focused on finishing a high quality game on schedule so the real adventure can begin.

If you have not yet finished Adventure Castle, or haven't played it and want to, you should stop here and try it out. Please visit for more information or to contact us with any questions you have so far.

If you are familiar with the game, and don't mind seeing spoilers to the story, feel free to read on.

Adventure Castle Detailed Walkthrough

Adventure Castle Development

Coming soon.

As stated previously, We hope to reach a certain point in the story before releasing the code so we can offer our full support with documentation and tutorials.

Our hope is to make this available by the end of the 2019, or at least have a firm date in 2020 that we can announce at the end of the year.

If you have any questions please Contact Us.


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Title Illustration by Elizabeth Hockett